


I don’t die
in my drive
down endless roads
its witching sin
in my crazy soul

the thudding whys
the endless jive
starchy rock ‘n’ roll
its listless dreams
through my soul

these endless eyes
needling my
witching soul
sex session
sweet damnation
neon and gold

I will fly
through the sky
though bought and sold
I’m hissing rain
I’m black deranged
and I’m still whole.


On some days, I see one become alive
amidst the strangest sliver of slime, he has survived
and inside the blinding hollow fires
he twitches; a piece of man with a steely glare

I saw him in another age
he marked his scar on my face
and ran rampant through the streets

There are other days when I wonder
Have my enemies scattered asunder?
Their machetes shatter in these asphalt jungles
I shuffle along in my cemented overshoes

and then I see
the man
who shrugs it all off…

I see him sometimes in this age
he marks his scar on the city’s face
and he bounds and dances
and laughs through the streets

through this jungle
of concrete