Short Stories

Short Stories


Milos Harmon, naked, alone, sitting on the couch. He stared aimlessly at the flickering TV screen. Its blue light illuminated the room with haunting shadows that shivered on the walls in the darkened room.

Milos stood up with a small grunt, arching his back and stretching his arms to the ceiling, exposing fully his white naked frame to the TV set and to Ruby, his faithful daschund, who raised her head in curiosity. 

Excerpt from: Keith MacKenzie. “Milos’ Valentine”. iBooks.  

Milos' Valentine

Milos Harmon, naked, alone, sitting on the couch. He stared aimlessly at the flickering TV screen. Its blue light illuminated the room with haunting shadows that shivered on the walls in the darkened room.

Milos stood up with a small grunt, arching his back and stretching his arms to the ceiling, exposing fully his white naked frame to the TV set and to Ruby, his faithful daschund, who raised her head in curiosity. 

Excerpt from: Keith MacKenzie. “Milos’ Valentine”. iBooks.  


Coming soon


Coming soon

Spooky's Funeral

Larissa’s eyes welled up with tears as she came into the living room.

He’s dead, Brent.” Her voice sounded like she was recovering from a cold.

Who?” I asked.

Who, Brent?” Larissa’s voice screeched. “Spooky. That’s who.”

Oh.” I was more interested in checking out my friends’ Facebook updates than the death of her pet.

I do have to give that fish some credit, though. Spooky was a real trooper and he lasted far beyond his normal years.

Spooky's Funeral

Larissa’s eyes welled up with tears as she came into the living room.

“He’s dead, Brent.” Her voice sounded like she was recovering from a cold.

“Who?” I asked.

“Who, Brent?” Larissa’s voice screeched. “Spooky. That’s who.”

“Oh.” I was more interested in checking out my friends’ Facebook updates than the death of her pet.

I do have to give that fish some credit, though. Spooky was a real trooper and he lasted far beyond his normal years.